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Evidence-based Management of Sepsis & Septic Shock

  • 38 Steps
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


Target Audience and Goal Statement This activity is intended for physicians and other healthcare providers caring for critically ill and ICU patients. The goal of this program is to present and discuss "state-of-the-art" diagnosis, treatment protocols, and clinical strategies for the management of critically ill septic patients in the intensive care unit based on 2021 Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines. Upon completion of this activity, participants will be able to: 1. Identify patients with sepsis based on the sepsis-3 criteria. 2. Resuscitate septic patients based on the most recent evidence. 3. Initiate and manage vasopressors and inotropic agents in the management of sepsis. 4. Select early, appropriate, and adequate antimicrobial regimen for septic patients. 5. Understand the benefit of steroid therapy in the reversal of shock. 6. Understand the evolving evidence for determination of blood glucose target in patients with sepsis. 7. Understand the evidence of vitamin C in the management of sepsis. 8. Know how to monitor septic patients after initial resuscitation

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Infectious Disease & Sepsis

Infectious Disease & Sepsis

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