Vitamin C for Patients With COVID-19

The LOVIT-COVID trial and the vitamin C section of the REMAP-CAP trial were synchronized to enhance the efficiency of the research. They included 1568 critically ill patients (1037 on vitamin C and 531 in the control group) and 1022 non-critically ill patients (456 on vitamin C and 566 in the control group). Patients were given 50 mg/kg of vitamin C through an IV every 6 hours for a maximum of 96 hours. While both trials were planned together, LOVIT-COVID used a placebo, whereas REMAP-CAP compared vitamin C to standard care. The study was halted once set criteria for potential harm and lack of effectiveness were reached. Among the critically ill patients, those on vitamin C had a median of 7 days without organ support, compared to 10 days in the control group, with an 8.6% probability of effectiveness, 91.4% of potential harm, and 99.9%…
Based on the LOVIT-COVID and REMAP-CAP, are you convinced that vit c is not helpful and may be harmful?
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