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Hemodynamics Management

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23 years old male with mental status changes, tachycardia and suppressed TSH level.

Based on the above echocardiogram his ventricular function is:

  • 0%Normal

  • 0%Mildly decreaded

  • 0%Moderately decreased

  • 0%Severely decreased

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Post cardiac arrest, CPR 15 min , ROSC achieved

Mazen Kherallah

VExUS for evaluation of venous congestion in a patient with mixed cardiogenic and distributive shock, acute respiratory failure, bibasilar infiltrates, and acute kidney injury.

Step 1: IVC diameter is 2.5 cm

Step 2: hepatic vein doppler assessment showing reversal of the systolic wave.

Ibrahim Ameen
Hayat Sahlool

ECLS-SHOCK trial investigated the effect of early extracorporeal life support (ECLS) on mortality in patients with heart attack-induced cardiogenic shock who were planned for early revascularization. Patients were assigned to ECLS plus medical treatment or medical treatment alone. After 30 days, mortality rates were similar between groups (ECLS: 47.8%, Control: 49.0%). ECLS patients had more bleeding (23.4% vs. 9.6%) and vascular complications (11.0% vs. 3.8%). ECLS didn't lower 30-day mortality in patients with infarct-related cardiogenic shock.

Extracorporeal Life Support in Infarct-Related Cardiogenic Shock | NEJM

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