Patient's Efforts and Adaptive Flow in VCV
I completed Quiz: 2️⃣ Control Variables!
I completed 2️⃣ Control Variables!
I completed 1️⃣ Breath Phases!
Dr Kherallah this was very helpful. can you also do an example of using volumetric capnography to measure peep and explain the concept of P0.1 in measuring respiratory drive and vent weaning.
Dear Dr. Mazin, the MV determine the exhaled tidal volume using flow sensors , we have MV machines with very old flow sensors giving VTe significantly less or more than VTi
I think this will affect the flow and volume loops by giving false leak if VTe < Vti
It may also mask a true leak or air trapping due to VTe > VTi
Am I right in this??
Dear Dr. Mazen,
Excellent presentation and case. Jazak Allah Khair ❤️.
Can it be considered as reverse triggering as the the previous 2 breaths was not triggered by the patients ??